On Saturday, 13 August 2022, our General Assembly took place at the headquarters of the Zukunftsgenossenschaft in Usingen. The invitation had been sent to all members beforehand. The new composition of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board is as follows:

Board of Directors: Oliver Dreber and Stefan Roth Supervisory Board: Gerhard Wagner, Reinhold Bartha, Sesto Castagnoli.

For some months now, our Solawi member Oliver Moll has had an option lease with our electricity supplier and project partner Greenstone Energy in Berlin. The VSR “Virtual Solar Roofs” project is to be built on the available land. The future cooperative is thus setting a milestone by allowing each tenant to obtain their own electricity as a share of the solar power plant. (link PDF). The corresponding talks with the authorities have started and the project is to be launched next year.

Furthermore, we have also been working for some weeks on a set for self-sufficiency for our members, as a contribution of the future cooperative to a self-determined life. Every member and also friends and acquaintances are welcome to participate. Request info under info@zukunftsgenossenschaft.eu