
We are pleased to meet You

Zoom Calls

Every week on tuesday night, the FUTURECOOPERATIVE organises Zoom Calls with interesting, current topics that are accessible to everyone. Sign up for an invitation using our contact form.


Communication within the FUTURECOOPERATIVE takes place in sociocratic circles, the circles themselves determine the data. Every interested member can participate in the subject area he/she is interested in and choose his/her circle. At the moment the data are fixed as follows:

Meetings Core Team Circle

Take place every two week on Monday

Meetings working circles

The corresponding circle determines its meeting dates and makes them known to its participants.

Exchange and get to know each other

Skype meetings and personal meetings with core team circle and working circles internationally, nationally, regionally and locally take place regularly. Dates are listed in the event calendar.


Our core team circle and working circles meet for personal meetings as required. These are organized by the circles themselves. Larger events for members or interested persons are organized by the core team. For the annual general meeting or extraordinary general meetings, the board of directors and the supervisory board are responsible. The dates are also listed in the event calendar.

Event Calendar

Keine anstehenden Events // No upcoming events

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„Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.“

Margaret Mead